From Trash to Treasure!!!

 Does this picture of shadow puppets look interesting to you? You can make shadow puppets like these or other pieces of art just like this. All of these shadow puppets are made from trash and things found lining around the house.  And you don’t have to make a shadow puppet, you can make any piece of art you want.


One reason that you should try to make art out of trash is being creative is good for your brain and your mood. Because you will be doing something fun, instead of staring at your computer.  And you will feel good if you let yourself take a break from your computer. Making art will help you relax and let you focus on a different target. You could make decorations for your room or your house. Or you can make beds, houses, fake food, or other things for your toys or stuffed animals. And you can make anything you want, out of anything you want. You can use things that are recyclable. 


Another reason that you should try to make art out of trash is it will allow you to reuse, recycle, and upcycle materials that are already laying around the house.  At my house, there’s a ton of cardboard laying around because my sister was going to make a big really big dollhouse. But never got around to it. So we have the cat house.  However, she and Lola ( my grandmama) have made two beds for our doll’s. One out of a cereal box, and the other out of a different box. And you can use any old thing you can find.


The last but not least reason that you should try to make art out of trash is that you can make the world a better place.people need that right now. I heard that in some places people are painting rocks and hiding them around their town. So when people go for a run or a walk they can see the beautiful rocks. And people are making rainbows to symbolize hope and that we will flatten the curve. People are hanging signs of rainbows all over the world. The happy craze has spread from one city/country to the next.



 So you should try to make art out of the trash because it’s good for your brain and your mood. You can reuse recycled and upcycled materials that are good for the plant, and you can make the plant and the world a better place. So go out into your house and start looking for the best materials to make something beautiful and creative, Like these.

One thought on “From Trash to Treasure!!!”

  1. I absolutely love this! Have you been to Popham Beach and have you seen the art someone created out of trash that they found along the beach? It’s wonderful and sad all at the same time. But, at least they picked it up and did something creative with it. I love that you’re creating art out of trash!

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